Dec 08/Jan/Feb 2009 Photos

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We flew home to California in mid-December and just returned to Barcelona last week (over 2 months at home).

Here are more pictures of our family and friends than you want to see, but Hey! It's my website!  So be forewarned, this update isn't about cruising in distant lands.  It's pure homespun.

Click here to read my letter for this update.  I'll tell you about my skin cancer surgery (ew).


We have five grandkids now.  Kimberly has the three oldest with Blake 11, Garrett 8, and Paige 6.  Sean has the two little ones with Kailyn 5 and Brady 8 months old.
Can you tell that I'm the one taking all the pictures with the kids?  Mike thinks I should ask him to take my picture, and I think he should just catch me in the moment.  It's a sore point with us.  I think I'm destined to be the photographer, and not the photographed.
Fortunately, we were able to make connections with a few of our old friends.

Ray drove up from San Diego; Bertha cooked an authentic Mexican dinner; Mike Mak treated us at his Hurricane's Grill; we met Billy and the whole group for lunch; Matt & Beth not only let us drive their Suburban for our entire vacation, but they hosted a fabulous dinner party at their home; we had a fun pizza night at Connie & Lew's home; and Linda had lunch with her best friend Russ.

Our biggest regrets: missed seeing Janet & Allen, Ray Berndt, Dave & Peg Powers, Rick & Sandy, Anton, Barry & Babbie, and the list goes on....



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