March 2012 Photos

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After Barbara and Joanne departed George Town, we sailed over to Conception Island for a couple of days.  It is uninhabited, protected park land.  Clean, unspoiled and absolutely beautiful.
I love it when a turtle or dolphin comes to visit!
The George Town Cruisers Regatta started on the day my Aunt Nola arrived.  We convinced her to join our Trivial Pursuit team and we won 1st place!  Then we crewed for Tom and Cathy in the 'Around the Harbor' Race and won 3rd place.  Mike walked Lucy in the Pet Parade with at least 15 other dogs.
The beach on the Atlantic Ocean side of the island is breathtakingly beautiful.  We enjoyed long walks on this gorgeous beach.
My sister Valarie arrived in George Town a week later and the next day we sailed all day to arrive at Blackpoint where we would hunker down for the next 3 days while a storm blew over.

We played dominoes and card games, read books, took naps, ate and drank.  I felt bad that Valarie was spending her Bahamas vacation sequestered in the boat, but we actually had a lot of fun.  It was relaxing and we all got to laugh a lot.

The rain stopped and the wind let up just enough for Mike and I to make a run into town for essentials.  The next day we were able to move over to Big Majors Spot anchorage on Staniel Cay.  And beautiful weather!
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