About 90 friends and family gathered on December 4, 2004, to bid Mike
farewell. Ray did a fabulous job as the Master of Ceremony for this
standing-room-only event.
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Click here to listen to Ray singing
"Let Him Go"
Ray (our incredibly entertaining master of ceremonies) with Linda and Mike
Ray, Mike (jingling his bells)
Mike with cakes
Mike, Bill
Rick, Sandy, Linda, Mike
Larry, Sal, Barry, Rick
Mark, Linda, Darlene, Russ
Mike, Eric, Yelena
Allen, Janet, Connie, Lew
John, Liz, John, Tammy
Kimberly, Lance
Ken, Sheila, Diane, Sean, Eleanor, Keni
Jody, Murray, Yvonne, Diane, Mac
Tami, John, Bill, Allysson
Lanny, Judy, Rhonda
Harry, Agnes, Barry, Bertha
Marion, George, Jody, Murray
Mike, Cindy, Darren, Greg, Shannon, Alan, Latese
Shannon, Greg, Dave, Grace
Steve, Martha, Darlene, Mark
Ken, Jane
Linda, Lee
Ken, Gayel, JT, Ray, Joe
Harry, Agnes, Barry, Bertha, Sal, Mike, Rick, John, Ann
Kacey, John
BJ, Carolyn, Darlene
Karen, Chuck, Jeff
Ruben, Priscilla
Linda, Russ
Lew, Connie, Linda
Sue, Trina, Murray, Yvonne, Keith
Mike, Rhonda
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